METU Speed Networking Events
“METU Speed Networking,” a joint project by the METU Career Planning Application and Research Center (ODTÜ KPM) and the METU Alumni Office, brings together the esteemed alumni of METU and 3rd and 4th-year students from various departments.
This exciting and enjoyable event offers our students the chance to meet lots of alumni in a short time. At the same time, through these events, we are delighted to welcome our alumni back to the university, which many consider their second home.
The events begin with welcoming speeches, followed by an introduction to the “Speed Networking” method. Alumni and students then sit across from each other at tables to introduce themselves. After the formal networking session, participants continue their conversations in a more relaxed setting during the cocktail reception.
Through METU Speed Networking Events, we continue our efforts to strengthen the alumni-student-university relationship by connecting METU’s invaluable alumni, faculty members, and students in meaningful ways.